Google and Bing. Such Social Butterflies.

Social Search: Designed to help you find more relative and credible information from your friends in your search.

Social search, if you haven’t heard, it is changing the game of SEO and search engines as we know it. Turning social media non-believers into believers by the invisible mega-ton truck loads over night.  If your a business owner and before you were thinking social media was a load of Berry Sticks there is no denying now that it is becoming an absolute must to jump in.  Not only to please the trend by throwing up a Twitter account and Facebook page and not really use it but now it is more essential than ever to interact and promote, because now, the “likes” count.

I will give a brief over view of how Google and Bing are currently incorporating social search.

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Groupon Wouldn’t Sell.. So Google Launches Google Offers

Flashback to December. Google throws $6 billion in Groupon’s lap.. Groupon with out hesitation throws the green right back.

Next four months leading up to today. Google develops Google Offers, Groupon’s direct competition, Groupon suffers extreme controversy for their politically incorrect riskay Super Bowl ads.  Watch out Groupon, Google is coming for you..
Google Offers is starts in 6 different locations East Bay Area/Oakland, CA, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, and NYC’s uptown, midtown, and downtown.  Google Offers is promising 50% off or more to places you love in the cities/areas you subscribe to. Continue reading »