How to Increase Your Local Search Rankings with Google My Business and Google Plus

Increase local search rankings with google apps

All businesses strive to connect with their local community and customers. The internet has created a landscape for businesses to showcase their offerings and closely understand their most loyal customers. Local search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the digital age’s most vital tools and should be leveraged to optimize your firm’s local results. Google My Business and Google Plus play a tremendous role into your brands presence in local Google search results. Continue reading »

Google Plus Pages – Another Social Network For Your Business’s Line up

You’ve probably heard but if you haven’t Google Plus opened it’s doors for brands & businesses a few days ago. Along awaited it finally came. You can now create a business page on Google+ for your business, organization, brand, product, or rock band. What does this mean in short? Jump on the band wagon now while it’s fresh, hot, and while people/pages are eager to fill their circles.