Navigating the End of Google’s Call History and Profile Chat: Strategies for Continued Customer Engagement

What Will You Do When Google Ends Call History and Profile Chat?

Google’s recent decision to discontinue call history and profile chat features has significant implications for businesses that relied on these tools to engage with customers. Effective July 31, 2024, these features will no longer be available, leaving businesses searching for alternative ways to maintain and enhance customer interactions. Understanding the impact of this change and exploring new avenues for communication is essential for businesses to continue providing excellent customer service. Continue reading »

Web Design Tips for Combining ADA Compliance and SEO

SEO is an important aspect of web design because you want your site to rank in search. Many websites get so focused on creating a website for robots that they forget the real intent of SEO is for humans. Google’s mission is to maximize access to information and to help people find the information they want. Not every human user reads a screen. Assistive technology, such as a screen reader or closed captioning, can help every user access your website. Let’s discuss SEO and ADA compliance. Continue reading »

How to Improve Your Website Speed and Why a Fast Website is Important

web design page speed seo google ads

Good SEO and Web Design Mean Little if Your Website Doesn’t Load Fast

You don’t need a study to tell you that consumers will abandon a website and move on to another if the pages don’t load fast, but plenty of studies confirm this. In your own experience you’ve probably come across website content that just didn’t load fast enough and you quickly navigated away before seeing what the site had to offer. No matter what your digital marketing goals a good quality, fast and easy to navigate website should be at the core. Continue reading »

Bay Area Produce Supplier Stays Fresh with New Website

seo case studyA&B Produce, a major San Francisco Bay Area food supplier and wholesaler, provides fresh, high-quality fruits, vegetables, and more to commercial and retail restaurants.  With over 40 years of experience in the industry, the company did not want to continue with a website that underperformed.  As a result, A&B Produce partnered with KO Websites, Inc., to update its website design with a fresh look and character in line with the products it delivers and the service it provides.  Continue reading »

How to Write a Better Blog

How Do I Write a Better Blog?

Start by adding value to your blog.  

You can add value to your blog by adding links and pictures.  Links add a lot of value to your blog and are necessary to direct that blog traffic to other places that you really want them to go and or add more value to the blog by providing access to more information.  Like your websites and or other social sites.  Also use links to give any source you may have used for your blog credit.  Most people or companies don’t mind you using their information as long as you give them credit.  Another good way to add value to your blog is posting photos.  Pictures can make your blog a lot more fun, interesting, and attractive.

Be search engine friendly.

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