Navigating the End of Google’s Call History and Profile Chat: Strategies for Continued Customer Engagement

What Will You Do When Google Ends Call History and Profile Chat?

Google’s recent decision to discontinue call history and profile chat features has significant implications for businesses that relied on these tools to engage with customers. Effective July 31, 2024, these features will no longer be available, leaving businesses searching for alternative ways to maintain and enhance customer interactions. Understanding the impact of this change and exploring new avenues for communication is essential for businesses to continue providing excellent customer service. Continue reading »

Beginner SEO Tip – Improve Your Data by Using Filters in Google Analytics

Bay Area SEO company

So you’ve been working on your organic SEO and you’re starting to see more traffic to your site, this is normally a great sign. What you’re doing is starting to get the search engine’s attention! However, you shouldn’t take increased site traffic at face value. You need to do a little digging and preventative work to ensure that your traffic is real, earned, quality traffic that you want. Continue reading »

Bay Area SEO For Mobile Websites

bay area seo company

We Said It Was Coming! Now It Will On Apr 21, 2015

Are you Ready For Google’s Mobile Hammer?

mobile web design SEO photo

You may have said “I don’t internet.” That didn’t work out too well for you if you did. And then you may have said “I don’t do mobile” and that’s not going to work well either now. Even if you’re right, and most of your web traffic is via a desk top computer, you may get penalized anyway. Here’s why… Continue reading »